NOVA Business Development Group, LLC. provides business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals with the expertise, skills, and knowledge of a company with senior high level management experience, at the fraction of the cost. In some cases our professional services are at no up front costs to our clients who wish to participate in one of our partnership programs. Our objective is to focus and deliver on the areas outside of businesses or individuals core strengths, and to provide support with sales, marketing, operations, web design, management and brand development.

NOVA Business Development Group helps organizations and individuals assess how to maximize their performance and works with them to achieve their objectives and vision. We develop sales, marketing, operational, web site design, social media and management strategies to improve our clients productivity, efficiency and brand development.

We provide CEO/VP senior level professional outsourcing services at the fraction of the costs you would incur if you had to employ, or hire such a team. Again, in some cases our professional services require no up costs to our clients, as they may choose to participate in one of our "pay for performance only" partnership program that we offer.